Pest control services: Which one is best for you?

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May 29, 2024

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If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for help getting rid of pesky critters. We’re glad you’re taking the time to do some research on various pest control services. Whether you hire us or not, we’ll cut to the chase so you can stop reading about the details, and get your pest problem taken care of.

What are some main differences between companies?

First things first, while we’d love to tell you that our treatments are a zillion times more effective than anyone else’s, generally, most products we use are somewhat similar between companies, though often the concentrations are different. (More on that in a moment.) Whether it’s traps, attractants, repellants, or anything else, quality pest control services should have a detailed explanation of what they will do to deter pests and keep them from multiplying on your property.

Now one significant difference between companies is pay structure. Here are Empire, we pay our employees fairly, and focus on building relationships with our clients for the long-term. Some companies are commission-based, and will rush between as many jobs as possible. We don’t prefer to work that way here. We aim to take the time to explain to our clients what we are doing and why we’re doing it. Often, local companies like us will work that way, while larger chains often do not.

What is required to work in pest control?

All pest control companies and individuals should be certified as a commercial pesticide applicator. Here in Michigan, the certification is granted through the department of agriculture and rural development. Each individual should be certified in general pest control with a 7A license. There are various further certifications that are required for other specific pests, such as 7B certification for wood-destroying organisms such as termites, and 7F for mosquitos. Not everyone is required to be certified in every area, and some may have different areas of expertise. For instance, here at Empire Pest, we have a partner company we refer to for small animals.

Should you hire a local company, or a larger company?

We might be biased, but we typically recommend working with a local company. Not only will a local company better understand the climate and environment that you’re dealing with, but there are a few other perks as well. Most importantly, you’ll receive more personalized customer service from a local company. If something goes wrong, or you need to follow-up on a job, you wont be treated as “just another number.”

Last but not least, if you ever need a service that is outside of the scope a company handles, a local company will be more likely to know others in the area that can take care of the issue. At Empire pest, if we don’t handle the problem, we’ll find someone who will!

Let’s get rid of some pests together! Give us a call to get started.